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Lingalaid OÜ

Tanila, Kõrenduse küla
Tartu vald, Tartumaa
49111 Eesti

Reg. nr: 11406662
EU VAT no: EE101220909
IBAN: EE53 7700 7710 0129 4063

Müük: 📞+372 5348 4879  📧
Tehniline tugi: 📞+372 5860 2606  📧
Tehas/ tootmine: 📞+372 5689 7660 📧info@lingalaid,ee
Koostööd/ B2B: 📞+372 5669 8344 📧

2018 a4c69005 | 2024

Customers praise

  • Örjan M. ★★★★★

    We are very happy with our purchase of the Lingalai hot tub. The hot tub is neat, of very high quality and can seat eight people. We chose a large acid-proof stainless steel stove because we use seawater and it is very easy to heat. Throughout the whole buying process we were given comprehensive information and guidance and the service was excellent. Fast delivery and very good value for money. Lingalaidu can indeed be recommended!

  • Andy K. ★★★★★

    It seems we made the right decision, the choice is actually wide. Looking forward to a weekend sauna and then a cold tub!
    I can't imagine anything cooler. With the cooler weather, you can enjoy it the other way round again. The barrel baking went beyond expectations. Thanks to the masters and the product developer, who made a special visit to tune the water drainage.
    I would recommend it to everyone, despite the slightly higher price, you get a very good barrel!
    Andres and Helily, from Jõulumäe in Pärnumaa.

  • Härmo H. ★★★★★

    A company with a wealth of knowledge and experience that values sticking to agreements!
    Price is equal to the quality of the products!

  • Henry T. ★★★★★

    Lingalaidi paadid on hoopis teisest “puust” st, plastist kui teised saadavalolevad. Väga vinge arendustöö ja töösse suhtumine on selles ettevõttes! Soovid jõudu, jaksu ja rohkem koostööd edaspidiseks 🙂