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Privacy policy

1. Üldsätted

1.1. Käesolev privaatsuspoliitika reguleerib isikuandmete kogumist, töötlemist ja säilitamist käsitlevaid põhimõtteid. Isikuandmeid kogub töötleb ja säilitab isikuandmete vastutav töötleja Lingalaid OÜ, juriidiline aadress Tartumaa, Tartu vald, Kõrenduse küla, Tanila, 49111, Reg. 11406662 (edaspidi andmetöötleja).

1.2 For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a data subject is a customer or other natural person whose personal data is processed by a data processor.

1.3. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a customer is anyone who purchases goods or services from the website of the data processor.

1.4 The data processor shall comply with the principles of data processing set out in the legislation, including processing personal data lawfully, fairly and securely. The data processor is able to confirm that the personal data have been processed in accordance with the law.

2. Isikuandmete kogumine, töötlemine ja säilitamine

2.1. Isikuandmed, mida andmetöötleja kogub, töötleb ja säilitab, on kogutud elektrooniliselt, peamiselt kodulehe, telefoni ja e-posti vahendusel.

2.2 By sharing your personal data, you grant the data processor the right to collect, organise, use and manage the personal data that you share directly or indirectly with the data processor when purchasing goods or services from the website for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy.

2.3 The data subject is responsible for the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the data he or she provides. Knowingly providing false information will be considered a breach of the Privacy Policy. The data subject is obliged to inform the data processor without delay of any changes to the data provided.

2.4 The Data Processor shall not be liable for any damage caused by the submission of false data by the Data Subject to the Data Subject or to third parties.

‍3. Klientide isikuandmete töötlemine

3.1 The data processor may process the following personal data of the data subject:

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    First name and surname;

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    Date of birth;

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    Phone number;

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    E-mail address;

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    Delivery address;

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    Current account number;

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    Maksekaardi detailid;

  • .

3.2 In addition to the foregoing, the data controller is entitled to collect data about the customer that is available in public registers.

3.3 The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(a), (b), (c) and (f) of the GDPR:

  (a) the data subject has given his or her consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

  (b) processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract entered into with the involvement of the data subject or for the performance of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject;

  (c) the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject;

  (f) the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, unless such interests override the interests of the data subject or the fundamental rights and freedoms for which the personal data must be protected.

3.4. Processing of personal data in accordance with the purpose of the processing:

  • 645b3796f85f950fd436f209 usp 2 | 2024

    Töötlemise eesmärk – julgeolek ja turvalisus
    Isikuandmete säilitamise maksimaalne aeg – vastavalt seaduses nimetatud tähtaegadele

  • 645b3796f85f950fd436f209 usp 2 | 2024

    Töötlemise eesmärk – tellimuse töötlemine
    Isikuandmete säilitamise maksimaalne aeg – 3 aastat

  • 645b3796f85f950fd436f209 usp 2 | 2024

    Töötlemise eesmärk – e-poe teenuste toimimise tagamine
    Isikuandmete säilitamise maksimaalne aeg – 3 aastat

  • 645b3796f85f950fd436f209 usp 2 | 2024

    Töötlemise eesmärk – kliendihaldus
    Isikuandmete säilitamise maksimaalne aeg – 3 aastat

  • 645b3796f85f950fd436f209 usp 2 | 2024

    Töötlemise eesmärk – finantstegevus, raamatupidamine
    Isikuandmete säilitamise maksimaalne aeg – vastavalt seaduses nimetatud tähtaegadele.

  • 645b3796f85f950fd436f209 usp 2 | 2024

    Töötlemise eesmärk – turundus
    Isikuandmete säilitamise maksimaalne aeg – 3 aastat

  • .

3.5 The Data Processor has the right to share the personal data of the Customer with third parties, such as authorised data processors, accountants, transport and courier companies, companies providing transfer services, etc. The Data Processor is the controller of the personal data.

3.6 When processing and storing the personal data of the data subject, the data processor shall implement organisational and technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure and any other unlawful processing.

3.7. Andmetöötleja säilitab andmesubjektide andmeid sõltuvalt töötlemise eesmärgist, kuid mitte kauem kui 3 aastat aastat.

4. Andmesubjekti õigused

4.1 The data subject has the right to access and inspect his or her personal data.

4.2 The data subject has the right to receive information about the processing of his or her personal data.

4.3 The data subject shall have the right to complete or correct inaccurate data.

4.4 Where a data processor processes the personal data of a data subject on the basis of the data subject's consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time.

4.5 The data subject can exercise his or her rights by contacting the e-shop customer support at

4.6 The data subject may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Inspectorate in order to protect his or her rights.

5. Lõppsätted

5.1. Käesolevad andmekaitsetingimused on koostatud kooskõlas Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrusega (EL) nr 2016/679 füüsiliste isikute kaitse kohta isikuandmete töötlemisel ja selliste andmete vaba liikumise ning direktiivi 95/46 / EÜ kehtetuks tunnistamise kohta / EÜ (isikuandmete kaitse üldmäärus), Eesti Vabariigi isikuandmete kaitse seadusega ning Soome Vabariigi, Rootsi Kuningriigi  ja Euroopa Liidu õigusaktidega.

5.2. Andmetöötlejal on õigus andmekaitsetingimusi osaliselt või täielikult muuta, teavitades andmesubjekte muudatustest kodulehe kaudu.

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