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Hot tub - a real social event

Think of a hazy August evening, the candles in the garden, the fact that it's late enough in the summer and dusk is an ever earlier visitor - just the right atmosphere for a hot tub of hot, relaxing water. The best and closest of girlfriends are gathered together this very evening to enjoy a home-bath, complete with an Estonian peat mask and grandmothers' secrets for beautiful hair and skin. Good food, endless reminiscences of times spent together and the buzz of slingshots. Isn't it wonderful?

T8A0357 | 2024But elves, also widely known as the hot tub bath, is not just for women and their beauty rituals, other family members can also have their own special get-togethers at the hot tub bath. When it comes to celebrating a child's birthday, don't forget the hot tub in the garden. A hot tub offers many opportunities to have a memorable birthday. A Hawaiian, piranha or even mermaid themed party can be boosted by the chance to dip yourself in the water and have endless fun with foam and bubbles. Here, every family can let their imagination run wild and pick out bathing suits and costumes from the cupboard, along with waterproof LED lights, and a real sea voyage can begin for the little ones.

Men certainly don't want to miss out on their quality time. Here, a wonderful barrel sauna can be the centrepiece of an enjoyable and healthy pastime. For a proper men's night out, however, you'll need to give the barrel a go and make sure you can fit the whole party in at once. The hot tub can also play a cooling role during the party, as the temperature of the water can be adjusted by the user. After a hot Finnish sauna, the 40-42°C water in the barrel bath feels like paradise, and the skin feels moisturised again. The hot tub can also be used as a cold pond to cool off the hard-working sauna-goer or health sports enthusiast.

DSC 5665 | 2024Our Lingalaius we believe that a hot tub brings joy to everyone all year round, and is the greatest party and social event, both with family and friends. The Hot Tub brings families and groups together and provides a relaxing and healthy activity for everyone: young and old. The sauna is a good friend for quality time and for teaching children the importance of water procedures. There's no more fun and memorable way to play with bath toys and make your first bathing moves than with the people you care about, and it feels like having the time of your life. This is the kind of peace, joy, pleasure and closeness that a hot tub offers with its presence.

Traditionally from Japan, the hot tub has reached deeper and deeper into the hearts of Estonians and has become a real favourite among sauna lovers.

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