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A health-boosting barrel sauna - the perfect way to spend your retirement in your own home spa, read more about why!

Retired people in the barnyard The hot summer weather is over for this year and the autumn-winter season is approaching. In order to keep the body warm, it is important to Lingalaiul offer very durable and high quality hot tubs. The hot tub is particularly useful for older people, who may have more problems with joint pain, for example, as it has many healing properties!

Soaking in the sauna relaxes muscles, promotes blood circulation and provides the body with a feeling of warmth, especially in cold weather. It's a great alternative to a traditional sauna! In addition, the bubble and massage system gives a nice massage to the muscles.

In particular, the positive effects of hot tubbing on the nervous system and circulation are highlighted. In a warm bath, breathing and pulse rate increase, blood pressure and muscle tone decrease. Temperature differences stimulate the autonomic nervous system and strengthen the vascular system and the body's resistance. It also helps to eliminate waste products from the body and cleanses the skin, making it smoother. The warm water soothes and invigorates the body, and also has some analgesic effects. Hot water baths are also helpful for sleep and metabolic problems.

The Lingelaiu barrel sauna is the best way to spend your retirement, as you can create your own personal home spa and enjoyable oasis. Anyway, having your own home oasis is better than a shared spa as you don't have to fear any pandemic at home.

Grandparents' Day is also approaching. Why not surprise your dear old one with a health-boosting barrel bath? Lingalaid offers both electric and wood-burning barrels, so it can be tailored to your needs and capabilities.

Tunnel retirees2Effective cold medicine

An organism accustomed to changes in temperature is also better able to resist colds, which is why a hot tub could be on the patio or in the garden. A patio bathtub is also a possible solution, as it can be placed directly on the terrace!

According to a study in Germany, people with cold symptoms who took saunas or hot water recovered significantly faster. When you are in a hot bath, your body starts to produce white blood cells that help fight disease and destroy viruses. Buy a hot tub and health will follow! However, it is important to note that you should not go to the hot tub with a fever.

It would be a good idea to place eucalyptus aromatic liquid on the edge of the barrel if you are suffering from illnesses, as eucalyptus is good for treating respiratory diseases in addition to its good smell. Also, a soak in the fresh air of a barrel bath is a nice fresh-air bath. What could be better than spending time outdoors in the cold, without feeling cold because you can relax in the hot water?

It is advisable to be cautious with water procedures if there is acute inflammation, sores or fever. Care should also be taken in case of heart problems and pregnancy.

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