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A barrel sauna adds a fierce finishing touch to garden design

Spring is here, and the warming weather invites people to get out in the garden and spend more time there. For gardeners, every spring is a new blank sheet of paper, offering opportunities to decorate their gardens to make it a memorable and enjoyable place to be.

At times, garden design can seem like a difficult task, as matching the overall look of the garden is not the easiest of tasks. So how do you create the most beautiful and brightest garden that is both special and a nice place to relax and recharge your batteries?

Terrace tub

When designing a garden, it's important to remember that the garden must fit in with the house and complement it in a dignified way - no matter how grand the interior design of your house, it's the look of the house and garden that creates the first impression.

Often we think of the garden as just an area around the house where we have no business going on grey days. In reality, a garden is not just about plants, trees and lawn, so it's important to bring in elements that are both necessary and enjoyable.

Hot tub - the perfect garden feature

Hot tubs, outdoor swimming pools and barrel saunas on the terrace could be some of the more exciting elements of garden design, as a focal point.

When planning a garden design, the first step is to establish focal points - the places where life will begin to bustle in the garden. But what if one of those focal points was a barrel sauna?

Bringing the pool or barrel sauna into focus would open up many new possibilities for garden design. An outdoor pool or barrel sauna can become a home oasis, with shade trees and shrubs around it, and a central area for footpaths and resting. The use of Lingalaid tubs and barrels also gives you the opportunity to keep your garden active in winter.

When winters are otherwise cold and dark in Estonia, Lingalaid's heated barrel saunas bring life to the garden. All it takes is the addition of one element to make the most of your garden in winter. Being accustomed to a traditional garden, it may seem that bringing in and accommodating a large artificial water feature can be quite tricky and require a complete reworking of the garden. In fact, it's not nearly that bad.

Terrace Tyrant1Lingalaid offers a complete solution that exactly meets the needs and wishes of the customer. The client is free to choose everything from the heating element, the colour of the bath, the finish, the lighting and the massage solutions - in other words, it is a tailor-made solution, made in cooperation with the client. The design of Lingalaid's products also makes it possible to transport hot tubs, pools or barrels, if necessary, so that they can be rearranged in the garden at a later date, if desired, or to take their own spa with them when they move to their new home.

Lingalaid hot tubs and patio tubs give us the chance to be different and bold - to make the most of the garden. The garden can be a focal point on hazy summer evenings or snowy winter days, bringing together groups of family or friends to enjoy relaxing and healing treatments at home, celebrate anniversaries and enjoy each other's company. It's a chance to see that home and garden are the best places to feel good.



Hot tub - a real social event

Think of a hazy August evening, the candles in the garden, the fact that it's late enough in the summer and dusk is an ever earlier visitor - just the right atmosphere for a hot tub of hot, relaxing water. The best and closest of girlfriends are gathered together this very evening to enjoy a home-bath, complete with an Estonian peat mask and grandmothers' secrets for beautiful hair and skin. Good food, endless reminiscences of times spent together and the buzz of slingshots. Isn't it wonderful?

T8A0357 | 2024But elves, also widely known as the hot tub bath, is not just for women and their beauty rituals, other family members can also have their own special get-togethers at the hot tub bath. When it comes to celebrating a child's birthday, don't forget the hot tub in the garden. A hot tub offers many opportunities to have a memorable birthday. A Hawaiian, piranha or even mermaid themed party can be boosted by the chance to dip yourself in the water and have endless fun with foam and bubbles. Here, every family can let their imagination run wild and pick out bathing suits and costumes from the cupboard, along with waterproof LED lights, and a real sea voyage can begin for the little ones.

Men certainly don't want to miss out on their quality time. Here, a wonderful barrel sauna can be the centrepiece of an enjoyable and healthy pastime. For a proper men's night out, however, you'll need to give the barrel a go and make sure you can fit the whole party in at once. The hot tub can also play a cooling role during the party, as the temperature of the water can be adjusted by the user. After a hot Finnish sauna, the 40-42°C water in the barrel bath feels like paradise, and the skin feels moisturised again. The hot tub can also be used as a cold pond to cool off the hard-working sauna-goer or health sports enthusiast.

DSC 5665 | 2024Our Lingalaius we believe that a hot tub brings joy to everyone all year round, and is the greatest party and social event, both with family and friends. The Hot Tub brings families and groups together and provides a relaxing and healthy activity for everyone: young and old. The sauna is a good friend for quality time and for teaching children the importance of water procedures. There's no more fun and memorable way to play with bath toys and make your first bathing moves than with the people you care about, and it feels like having the time of your life. This is the kind of peace, joy, pleasure and closeness that a hot tub offers with its presence.

Traditionally from Japan, the hot tub has reached deeper and deeper into the hearts of Estonians and has become a real favourite among sauna lovers.

Sauna VS hot tub - perhaps two complementary friends?

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The barrel sauna or hot tub is increasingly winning the hearts of Estonians and has broken into our familiar sauna culture. The simplicity and convenience of the hot tub has made it a good alternative to the hot Finnish sauna.

In fact, one is not mutually exclusive and a traditional sauna and hot tub can complement each other very well and offer even greater enjoyment and healing properties. What makes the sauna special is that it is hot water, not hot air, that is the active ingredient. It is safer and safer for people with joint and muscle problems.

The hot tub can also take on a cooling role, as the temperature of the water can be adjusted by the user. After a long time on the sauna, the 40-42°C water in the tub is cooling and quickly moisturises skin that has been in the hot air.

As not everyone can enjoy a hot sauna for health reasons, a hot tub is a great alternative for them as it has fewer health risks than a traditional sauna.

What could be better than installing a hot tub in the front room of your sauna? Lingalaiu barrel sauna design, heating elements and construction are also safe for indoor hot tub installation. The group does not have to be separated from each other and can be in privacy in the indoor room.

In addition, it offers the opportunity to combine two distant traditions - the Japanese bath and the Finnish sauna - into one complete relaxation experience without leaving the sauna. In fact, a hot tub can also replace a pond or other natural body of water to jump into after sitting on the sauna bench. The temperature of the hot tub water can be adjusted, giving you the chance to soak as much as you feel comfortable.

179A1224 | 2024Of course, a hot tub can't give your body the same temperature and hot-air waft as a traditional Finnish sauna. The difference in temperature is noticeable, and the body reacts differently to the two hot temperatures - hot water and hot air. Also, in a barrel sauna, it is not possible to throw a kite, which for many people is the key feature of the sauna - the rapid and even painful blast of hot air that we are used to. At the same time, the Finnish sauna cannot offer the same safe and peaceful warming as the hot tub. Still, we benefit from both - to each his own, but they work best together.

Lingalaid believes that barrel saunas do not take over the traditional Estonian sauna culture, and that is not our aim. Rather, it's good to see that two very distant cultures can be linked and offer the best relaxation and healing treatments for yourself and your soul. Whether in the countryside or in the city, in summer or in winter, outdoors or indoors, the hot tub supports and adds variety to the traditional Finnish sauna and gives sauna lovers a choice between two different experiences.

Hot tub - an ancient healer

DJI 0712 | 2024The first reports of a Japanese bath or furodate back to around the 13th century, when the Japanese were inspired by hot springs and the ancient tradition of relaxing there. Now hot tubs are taking over the world.

What makes Furo special is that its active ingredient is hot water, not hot air. It is safer and safer for people with joint and muscle problems. The Japanese bath is also a great alternative to natural hot springs, which unfortunately not everyone can enjoy.

But since time immemorial, it has been a tradition in Japan to relax in hot springs and seek health. This tradition gave rise to a business model in Japan centuries ago - holiday homes were built around hot springs, where people could enjoy the pleasures of hot water and rejuvenate their health.

The more exclusive holiday homes were even built over the springs to offer greater comfort and privacy for the more affluent. This tradition is still honoured by the Japanese, and many family holidays are planned around hot springs. It is also almost impossible to travel in Japan without enjoying the pleasures of the hot springs.

Furo - the soul of the community

But people love comfort, and they also wanted to relax at home. The Japanese, not to be distracted by the distance from hot springs, invented the furo - the heated bath.

The Japanese bath is the soul of the community, where both mind and body can be rejuvenated with a good time. Traditionally, the water in a Japanese bath is between 40 and 42 degrees Celsius, and relaxation in the hot water could last up to 20 minutes. The warmth from the water stays in the body for a long time, and after relaxation you will feel a pleasant rush.

In addition to relaxation, a Japanese bath is good for the blood circulation of the whole body, speeds up the metabolism and removes toxins from the body, making the skin more beautiful. While in the traditional Finnish sauna, toxins are removed by a sometimes breathtaking stench, in the Japanese bath it is the relaxing hot water, which, as mentioned, is safer for the joints and muscles.

By the way, isn't the long life expectancy of the Japanese precisely because of their hot springs culture, with current projections suggesting that half of all Japanese born in 2007 will live to be 107.

Hot tubs - handmade tailoring solutions

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Lingalaid hot tubs are handmade Japanese baths in Estonia, where you can choose the size, heater and style. There is a choice of hot tubs for a few or three people or for a large group - the choice is yours!

Depending on the model, the Lingalaiu hot tubs can hold between 1100 and 2000 litres of water, heated either by wood or electric heating.

Hot tub baths can be enjoyed all year round - on summer evenings or crisp winter days. A hot tub combines the pleasant with the beneficial, relaxing muscles, promoting circulation and relieving stress at the same time, and when you add to this the pleasure of company, it's hard to find a more enjoyable pastime than a hot tub.

The hot tub is not for washing, it's for healing, relaxing and enjoying the company. Usually, relaxation in a Japanese bath is preceded by a proper body wash, which is a tribute to both oneself and the other person enjoying the bath, and various salts and minerals may be added to the water to further invigorate the body and mind, depending on the preference of the company.

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