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Morning energy boost for home heating

P1899790 scaled 8eedc673 | 2024

Help your body wake up

The thought of starting the day in a warm hot tub might initially make you think it's more of an invitation to crawl back into bed. But in reality, a warm bath in the morning can actually help you wake up, in some cases with an even better effect than coffee. Those who are used to working out in the mornings can benefit even more - just 10 minutes in warm water can improve circulation and prepare the body for the workout ahead.

The best mental preparation

We've all experienced mornings when it feels impossible to get out of bed and start the day. And even when we've finally managed it, it's often turned into a relatively unproductive day. But by starting your morning with a 10-minute warm bath session, you can create a pleasant habit to look forward to in the evening before you fall asleep. Quality time spent in the morning in a hot tub provides the moment you need to think through all the most important activities of the day ahead while relaxing in a peaceful environment. This can be particularly helpful at those times of life when frequent anxiety tends to take over. It is in the mornings, after waking up, that the stress hormone cortisol levels in our bodies are higher, but a warm bath can help to lower these successfully. As a result, you'll face the day's challenges feeling calm, confident and confident.

Caffeine booster

Coffee lovers, however, may be in for another pleasant surprise. Because the warm water of the hot tub speeds up the heart and improves circulation, it also helps your body to absorb caffeine faster. By amplifying the stimulating effects of coffee in this way, you'll be able to give your day an extra-powerful kick-start.

P1899687 scaled 85eb844c | 2024